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Buying & selling etiquette

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
It's why God invented recorded delivery. You can check for yourself, i've no faith in people any more so I always assume if I don't hear from them that they're trying to claim it didn't arrive. 75 pence extra gives me the peace of mind I need :)
Problem is some postmen just put small recorded parcels through letterbox. They should leave a card for missed deliveries, or get a signature from the recipent. But I know this isn't always the case from personal experience as both a buyer and seller.


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Problem is some postmen just put small recorded parcels through letterbox. They should leave a card for missed deliveries, or get a signature from the recipent. But I know this isn't always the case from personal experience as both a buyer and seller.
word lol. its true that they are taking a bit of a risk but at the same time i appreciate it when they leave parcels for me in the greenhouse, wheelie bin etc because my house never has anyone in during the day and its a major pain in the ass trying to find the time out of uni/work to get to the depot to pick it up.

saying that i can remember when the postman 'delivered' my first marker which wasn't exactly cheap and he just chucked it over a neighbours fence and put the note through my door saying it had been left with them :mad:


Dec 3, 2010
High Wycombe
It's nice but I don't care if they don't say thank you for the super-fast-delivery-of-an-already-well-priced-item.

I won't lose sleep because someone lacks simple manners.


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
Know what really grinds my gears? When people selling their markers don't have the common curtasy to clean the guns they're selling before sending them off to you! I have bought a few markers off this forum, and I really dislike it when there is fresh liquid paint on it somewhere very reachable like the bolt, feedneck or eyes.

If you'd just spend hundreds of pounds on anything you would expect the previous owner to take some time to 'make good/clean' what they are selling before they sold it to you. Only reason I note this is from a recent purchase whereby I've had to take apart the entire bolt o ring for o ring and apart from learning about the gun (which was the initial purpose) I had to clean and relube everything.


Dec 5, 2002
Visit site
Having a seller agree to a £30 refund and then stop communicating with you is a real treat aswell.
That's you Jesus. http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/member.php?13265-Jesus

Hopefully my friend Tor will throw a hammer at him.


Another incident I had on here was when a person I was trading with got "moody" and called me a liar when the marker I had sent him didn't have the parts /he/ expected it to have.

I told him everything about the marker and specs on msn and the pictures clearly showed what it came with, his response was that it was my fault for telling him when he was at work. He initiated the conversation on msn that day and was the one who approached me about the trade in my bst thread to begin with. God what an idiot, that's punishment enough.


Feb 20, 2006
Having a seller agree to a £30 refund and then stop communicating with you is a real treat aswell.
That's you Jesus. http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/member.php?13265-Jesus

Hopefully my friend Tor will throw a hammer at him.


Another incident I had on here was when a person I was trading with got "moody" and called me a liar when the marker I had sent him didn't have the parts /he/ expected it to have.

I told him everything about the marker and specs on msn and the pictures clearly showed what it came with, his response was that it was my fault for telling him when he was at work. He initiated the conversation on msn that day and was the one who approached me about the trade in my bst thread to begin with. God what an idiot, that's punishment enough.
Well you got my attention yet again:rolleyes:
This sale was years back, and i put this behind me the day after we sorted. I didnt even turn an eye back to the sale, but you seem to keep at it ?
From all your posts on here and PBnation, im not sure what to make of you, whether your a 60 year old who likes to moan and groan a lot, or a complete retarded young teenager, i really havent decided that as yet:confused:

Your for sale thread of which i traded with you, did not state anywhere the marker does not include a barrel.
Not once did you mention the marker did not have a barrel, until after i paid the extra funds towards the trade. It was you who kept messaging me on MSN whilst i was at work, jabbering on about how much a big shot you are in paintball, and all those you know in the industry. Only in one of the conversations, you came out of nowhere saying a barrel was not included, and when im busy at work, i normally reply without reading up, " laters buddy " and just switch off.
When i received the marker, i questioned why there was no narrel, and you copied and pasted the convo saying you did tell me.

When making sale thread, i would assume any details would be within that thread, not after i had paid the extra.
You stated that there was no barrel in the pic that was shown in the sales thread. So does that mean anyone selling a marker can sell a marker without the noid or board, because it isnt shown in the pic ?

I bought a new barrel in the end, i couldnt be doing with idiots like you, the barrel cost me £100, and i didnt make any gripe about it, ive spent more cash paying for some young lads or mates playing a tourney, not something i will lose sleep over.
Im not here to make a few shillings here and there. I help others out and dont mind losing out.

You did however amuse me a lot in the msn convo's about how you were banned from PBnation at the time you were a mod, and it was some sort of conspiricy :rolleyes: you really do make me laugh, infact i was laughing for a good few minutes, that was actually very funny.

I use the forums for fun and good information, i play paintball for fun and all the banter that comes with it, i play to air the stress of every day life at work, but you seem to live on forums and msn :(

You also make out your some kind of Angel god :confused:, seriously, you need to get out more dude.

Oh, one more thing, i found it even more retarded you edited the feedback you gave me 2 maybe 3 times...hahahaha, just shows im right how retarded you can get, from giving me a feedback something along the lines of " Nice trade" to whatever you have edited to now...serious, i cannot be arsed to read it.

Mods, this is not a dig, but just plain facts, ive learnt my lesson, a lesson not to deal with vegard again ;)

vegard, however you wish to amuse me, i wont bother to reply, ive stated enough facts on here ;)


Dec 5, 2002
Visit site
I didn't bother to read all that, but from what I skimmed through you confirmed what I think about you, master of assumptions.
We'll agree to disagree on the matter. :)

PS- I'd like to see those msn conversations, because I've never; ever implied I'm any kind of bigshot. I'm a recballer for crying out loud.


For those of you who did read the above, I found the need to do so aswell considering the defamation it contains. Nitroball and I obviously had some sort of hickup during conversation. He remembers it his way and I remember it mine. At the point where I told him about the barrel he hadn't paid for one and the rest I'll leave up in the air, because honestly it all comes down to memory and he/she/it said this and that.

I will however say that I apologise for it, regardless of it being his or my fault. Nitroball thinks he is in the right and that I'm in the wrong; and naturally the opinion is reversed from my point of view. There's a reason I didn't mention him by name in my post.

And if the mods want to delete the feedback I left him that's just fine, I'm sure he's a top notch guy at some level apart from the unfounded personal attacks he made toward me above.

No further posts will be made by me in this thread.

Have a good one.


Feb 20, 2006
Vegard, no need to keep editing post. Lets just leave it at that once and for all. A lesson for sellers, make sure you describe fully what you are selling, and to buyers, make sure you know what you are getting.

peace out ! :)