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Xbox Kinetic


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Putting mine up for sale... had it a day.

Is really good fun but my room is too small to make it worthwhile. Fine for single player but not enough space for 2 players. Have about 6-7 foot from TV. Think it is designed for an empty room! Need more like 8-10 foot to get the real benefit from it...


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Just been playing mine in the living room (just pushed table to the side) with 2 players and it's so much fun!!!!

i only have the free game at the min and god dont you sweat after 5 mins of play. I have to say this is so much better than the wii and ps3 move and works so well. Just can't wait for dance central to turn up as this is ment to be a really fun game. I would warn tho that 2 player is abit dangerous when your waving your arms and legs all over the place.

Some games on my radar are
michael jackson experiance (singing and dancing)
forza kinect
Rise of nightmare

Andy Steele

P8ntball isn't a sport
Sep 2, 2005
I've had the kinect since release and I really like it. Played the kinect adventures alot so far and am proper hooked on the dodge ball type game. Also had a bash at dance central and it's amazingly responsive.

I've been playing in space as little as 6 ft and have had no problems. Once you learn what the kinect looks for movement wise then it becomes alot better. I might have a go at the new Harry potter game as that looks abit of fun. I can't fault it at the minute

Your front room is probably to small in the layout you have now. If you had the tv in the corner where you used to have it then that would be more than enough space.

If your a hardcore gamer then stay away from this as it's not for you. If you like to have fun, have a family, or like entertaining alot then this is ideal. It's alot of fun. The other key features just to name a few, is that once plugged in you can control your xbox either by voice command and movement. It also acts as a mic, removing The need for a headset. There's video chat aswell. So to summarise I'd probably give it an 8 out of 10 as it's not just made to play games on


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Just been out and got kinect sports from asda this morning and waiting on dance central to be delivered today so will be moving liek a mong tonight.

I've heard the new harry potter is so bad it's unplayable :s