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Am i too old for tournament speedball????? :((((((((

Mate, chin-up. Knuckle down and get your game on - I would concentrate on attending locally first dude, don't aim too high just yet else you'll feel fail everytime you get hit - But don't aim low either - Keep calm, carry on! PM me and we'll arrange a match mate - If you're still in Wycombe that is..


Aug 19, 2003
Mate, chin-up. Knuckle down and get your game on - I would concentrate on attending locally first dude, don't aim too high just yet else you'll feel fail everytime you get hit - But don't aim low either - Keep calm, carry on! PM me and we'll arrange a match mate - If you're still in Wycombe that is..
Not what i would do if I wanted to make it to the top. I would aim very high. I would try to play the very best teams I could at all times. I would try to train with the very best aswell. Sure you would get a royal beat down, but its the only way to learn and gain top level experience.

If you start low, its one heck of a climb.


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
Ok, so it's not tournament paintball. But your NEVER to old for paintball


What do you think Missy?
Barry is awesome! total top bloke!

back on topic though, your a peppy lil dude and thats half the battle but it takes time and hard work, whilst i agree that its good to train with top end teams, getting smashed left right and centre wont help as it'll be hard to realise where you went wrong.

start off low and see how you fare, if you suddenly bust out making killer dives and mashing up hardcore run throughs taking everyone out with 1 ball to the goggs then by all means take it to the top but somehow i doubt that'll happen for a couple of years


New Member
Dec 15, 2010
high wycombe
thanx for all replies, as i said before u guys are awesome.


pm sent, and to answer your point, i don't know of any local sites where i could train with a team on a sup air field around wycombe :( the closest as far as i know is bricket wood but i don't drive and the public transport connection is AWFUL last time i went i had to change busses 3 times on my way there, wait at stations for ages and walk to the site from the final bus stop for about 20-30 mins, the way back was even worse, had to go via luton airport where i waited for 2 hours for a bus, and though i was proud of myself, it cost me a whole day of time 6.45am-22pm, about 20 pound for transport alone plus obviously another 40 at the site and the next day i found myself having a flu. I will go again this Sunday though.

If the following isn't determination i dunno what is ;) so i hope i got the attitude right at least ;)

I think i will start low at least for now and get to a point where i don't damage my own lenses with my own marker in panic when im being flanked :p these chrome lenses for i4s are expensive :O

Gee Tee
That would be good but no

Good point but i don't even have a license yet :(


#187 The Manchester Firm
Feb 22, 2008
North Lincolnshire
Realistically speaking Is it too late for a 21 old newbie to become good enough to go to the states and play in world's best teams in 4/5 years ?

I am fairly sure i can become a paintball icon in the UK soon enough :) I have loooads of motivation and i am interviewing for a part time job that will finance my pballing tomorrow so fingers crossed.
Are you high?

Just enjoy playing not much hope beign a uk icon anytime soon as the players that are what you say an icon within the uk are those who have being around the scene for years and dont play for money or fame but becuase they love the game