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Can Science and Religion ever be Reconciled?


Dec 30, 2005
Slight flaw in this argument, and it's come up a lot. Science is *not* based on facts...
Science is filled with unproven theories, often multiple theories are suggested to explain the same event....

Light those torches:p
Shortened to save space...

I agree, and to quote the great Dara o'Briain, "Science doesn't have all the answers, and it knows it doesn't have all the answers, otherwise it would stop. But just because science doesn't have all the answers doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy story most appeals!"

Its a good point, in ages past before true science, people needed some explaination of what they were doing here. But now, (in my mind at least) Science has discovered why we're here and so lets just knock all the other stuff on the head. Anyone who answers the difficult questions with "there's more to life than evidence" obviously has none.

If religion and the fear of going to a nasty place when you die if you're a bad person or a nice place if your nice actually caused people to be nice, then fair enough, but when it causes people to kill other people cos they're going to a different place? I'd have banned religion by now (this is why I'll never get elected to any position of power!)



Richie B
Aug 28, 2006
Religion is just a misplaced solution for the human consciousness that craves answers (true or not) to everything. An elite few then used this as a form of control for power and money i.e. the churches.

Science is the solution of the human consciousness that actually seeks out the answers in a logical way.

Watch this short clip from the late George Carling, ''Religion is Bull****''
Contains strong language...

''Religion has convinced people, that there is an invisible man living up in the sky, watching ever thing you do.......'' ah it is great.

If you want an eye opener on the idea then you have to watch this 2 hour movie:


Save a Drum, Beat a Box
Mar 23, 2009
Chester, Cheshire
If 1 person believes an imaginary thing to be real they are "delusional"
If 1000s of people believe an imaginary thing to be real its called a religion...

Im an Athiest untill I get proof of a "higher being"

Although the big bang theory is a bit "out there" I refuse to believe that the world was created in 6 (or 7 I dont know) days by "God". Its people not being able to accept that you cannot explain life, no matter how deep and hard you think about it you CANNOT explain it so people invent a "creator" to comfort themselves into thinking that everything will be ok! If Jesus was coming back in a millenium hes 1000 years late... pull the other one.

I also find it a bit fishy how there was two of every specie of animal within walking distance of noahs ark.... hmm lol

This however is my opinion and considering no one knows the complete truth theres not much point arguing!
