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Incontinentia Buttocks
Apr 3, 2002
Isle Of Man
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I always chortle to myself when I here of people diving over their couch and running around their gardens practicing snapshots at anything that moves (cats/dogs/sisters etc) obviously not with a live marker!!!!!

I think that the best way to improve is to keep fit and healthy, and enjoy the game as much as possible (a happy player is a good player)

overall you can't beat plain old hard work and practice whenever you can to improve your game..

so get and there and kick your mates asses as often as possible:D

just my thoughts

I am sure everyone else will have their ideas and hints.

might help if you tell us your preferred game (rec/scenario/supair etc)



team driven black
Apr 23, 2002
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me and some of my team mates/friends like to do is have 2 players with markers on one side of the field that arent aloud to move more than like 5-6 feet out from the tape line and then have like 4-5 players on the other side with out markers and the object is to get the unarmed players to the other side with out being shoot. It makes the runners more aggressive and the shooters (back people) more accurate and better at sweet spotting. also its a hell of alot of fun.


Coach- Taunton Snatch Uk
Jul 6, 2001
Devon (UK)
Well it depends if you want get better as just a player or the whole team get better.
If you personally want to get better then practice your snap shooting. One of the easiest ways to do this is line up some old coke cans, then get behind your bunker and just pop out to shoot the cans, but dont stay out to long. To make it more interesting you could get one of your buddies to shoot at you as well, just so you dont stay out that bit to long, but all you are doing is shooting at the cans not your buddy. You will really improve after a while, but be prepared to get your head shot off for a while until you get better.
And as Quayler said being fit helps as well especially towards the end of the day.


Apr 24, 2002
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If u want to improve your leg speed the best way to do it is do running drills.
This makes your legs stronger and faster.
You can go 10% or 20% faster after a few weeks of this kinda training as long as you dont giv it up or be sluggish at it.

Do stop-start running to improve your burst-running speed.
Its handy for gettin outta bunkers quicker.

Also try and make tourself more reactive, coz this works wonders when you need to react quickly.
Flexibility can be obtained through stretching exercises.