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Getting people out of bunkers.


New Member
Mar 11, 2002
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Hey I gotta question,

I play speedball alot, and alot of the people i play with just dig into a back bunker and never move. The only way to get them out is to have two people try to suprise them by running up and unloading a ton of paint onto their bunker. So could anybody please give me a few tips to pry them out?


Simon Malone

New Member
Nov 30, 2001
Hook, Hants
Run up real fast, ram you barrel down his throat and let him have it:D

Maybe not the best advice, but seems to work. Whilst your running in for the mug, get you back player to light his bunker up and hold him still, we don't want that cheeky ******* getting away do we;)

Have fun


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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A player can't shoot you or your team mates out without moving some part of themselves/their equipment out from cover, and this also means they won't see you coming :)
This means that if there are 2 back players on the opposing team dug in so deeply that you never, ever get a chance at any part of them, they can't be firing on you so that's the equivalent of your team being 2 players up when it comes to firepower. You can virtually ignore these back players (though of course keep an eye on them now & again), concentrate on getting the rest of their team out then move to get the angles on them or mug them.


Lord of the Ringtones
Heckle them. Taunt them with every detal possible, and some that are totally made up. Get into tabloid and if you have to, just so long as it doesn't draw a penality. "Hey, the rose beds are by the front porch, sweetie...go pick them AFTER the game!" or "Hey, you mean to tell me you spent all that money on that gun and not even want to shoot it? Mommy and daddy aren't going to like that!" or "Hey, Melissa (or whatever his sister/cousin/girlfriend/next door neighbor's name is) said she's waiting on my bed after the game...oh my gawd she's taking her shirt off for me right behind you!" or "Did I pay for YOU to be on the field as decoration out of my entry fee? NO I DIDN'T DID I! NO LOITERING PUNK! GET UP AND MOVE AROUND YOU TRAMP!" Hehe, just keep it in fun, however sounding insulting to downright psychotic at the time. Off the field is friend time. On the field, well, have fun.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2002

I havent played a tourny ever and I just wondered, can you be penalised for cursing? Do you have to keep it clean to be aloud?


New Member
Jan 12, 2002
Denver, CO

"Stick a' move..."

Angles,tape men communicating and forward progress.One person keeps the stuck back oppositions head down whilst the other person moves.So on all together like a well oiled machine and you get the angle or the shot-he's/she's outta there-game over.Also one person firing on one side of the bunker can sometimes push the player out the other side and heh presto you can light them up.Snap shooting always works for plays like this just clip him when he pops out and if he doesnt pop out dont worry about it cos'he cant paint you out if he cant see you.Just like my colleague Liz explained. :p
Dont get too distracted by single players it can be misleading cos' whats happening on the other side of your bunker?there are other people on the field besides that sticky back man-dont forget it.



Lord of the Ringtones
It depends on the size of the event, who's running it, and who the refs are on the field as to how far you can go with the heckling. As long as it isn't more than maybe 1-2% cursing you can often get away with it, so long as it isn't so readily absorbed as being the keynote in it. Plus, you want to be more creative than that anyway. If it fits in and people are laughing or otherwise distracted, then it'll do its job and not get you penalized. If you're outside the net, then you have to keep it down more, obviously because you're not supposed to be saying much to begin with, and because you're not playing it draws more attention to itself. Of course, there are times where it's funny so everyone enjoys it. Just use your head.