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Ipod problems?

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
if you get the stupid icons coming up on the ipod its usually very easy to get it working again.

take the case apart with something like a knife, undo the connection at the top, then the battery at the bottom and finally the hard drive connection.

leave for 5 minutes or so, connect back up in the opposite way and 9 times out of 10, you're ipod will be back to normal.

at least mine does, I have an old big brick of a 40gb one which sometimes just sticks. can be a right pain when you have a 3 hours train ride home from Dartford


I'm a love Albatross.
Aug 18, 2006
Carlisle/ Leeds
wow it's amazing how weird things happen with electricals.
For example my tv in my room picks up sky channels, that we didnt pay for on it. :confused:
And, you can change the channel on living room tv by jumping on the floor next to it. (don't ask me how I figure these things out!)