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Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

hmmmmm i love saving money but id still but it from SP so i know exactally what im getting


Lord of the Ringtones
No, you're exactly right. The stainless on a stainless Freak is purely for looks. Rather stupid I think, honestly, just another example of people paying more money for looks. I'm sure a lot of people in companies really do look at us, shake their heads and say "This is too easy. Just throw ANYTHING shiny at these morons and they'll pay for it over and over again like pathetic heroin addicts."


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by KillerOnion
No, you're exactly right. The stainless on a stainless Freak is purely for looks. Rather stupid I think, honestly, just another example of people paying more money for looks.
I was chatting in Planet about the freak set, (which I duly ordered :D ) and they were saying that though there's no real difference beween the ally and the SS backs there had been talk of players getting hit on the cutouts and the ally back had been bending on the weak points. Obviously SS wouldn't do this and the redesign should eliminate the problem altogether.

I've got no evidence to back this up, (other than what I was told) but it semed a reasonable principle. But then I wanted the SS back simply because I'm one of those sad people that companies love that want beauty as well as functionality. :cool:

Cheers KO, just making sure i have my facts straight.
Why dont SP make stainless inserts, they would be strong, polished better and lighter than a stainless whole back peice.

Anyway i seem to have steered this poor guys thread totally off topic. He wanted to knokw about good paint or summat.
Well I shoot diablo its usually good but like all paints it depends how fresh it is and how its been stored between the factory and your hopper!!


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Originally posted by John[SAD]
Cheers KO, just making sure i have my facts straight.
Why dont SP make stainless inserts, they would be strong, polished better and lighter than a stainless whole back peice.
People buy the stainless backs 'cause they want the pretty shiny effect, just having the inserts stainless wouldn't do that! Stainless inserts would be a whole lot heavier than aluminium, much harder to manufacture (especially at the required thinness) & much more expensive. Minor factor here is that it would be much harder to colour code them the way the current ones are (very useful the colour coding).

I'm sure there are plenty of other good reasons, these are just the ones that came to mind now.


New Member
Jun 3, 2002
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hmm . for me and my team.. we hate ZAPS.. they too fragile.. of course all paint has its downs. like the diablos and nice and round everything. but in our recent tourney. with 85 degree temp. aftr the 5th hour, it bounced like crazy men on crack in a padded room!(even on hyperball tubes)
RPS all-stars are quite terrific!:eek: