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Subversive Sexism


Aug 19, 2003
I wouldn't say its all good. Obviously the objective is to make money, but does it justify lying and inciting hatred? It's sad that people consider the mail and the sun substitute for an education. It's a nasty state of affairs but this is a different thread altogether I suspect.
I think that was Thibs point mate.
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Apr 1, 2004
Probably, just making sure we understand each other, you know what the Internet is like :).

As for this feminist door thing - no actual feminist will have a go at you for holding a door. Anyone who does is just an idiot. You hold the door open for a person whether male or female, well I do anyway - not like those scumbags at work lol


I think therefore I am.
Sep 19, 2005
i feel the act of holding a door open is an act of politeness, if however you was to see a man coming followed by the women (story of my life;) ) you kept it open for a man however slammed it in the womens face, then that could be a sexist act, are you sizest if you refuse to help a vertically challenged person get an item from the top shelf in tesco? no its politeness.


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
A fair point but personally I dont want to give hits to the site or money to the paper. Horrible articles by horrible people for a horrible agenda (which you probably agree with if you are calling them the enemy too).
Agreed fair point.

Personally, I can't abide the filthy, fascist rag. It makes me uncontrollably angry in a very short space of time.

On topic, any proper feminist would hate these sort of antics. It demeans a serious subject and gives people like the Daily Mail a chance to deflect from the more important issues.

You see similar sort of nonsense with the anti-pc brigade. All frothing at the mouth at Christmas being cancelled when nothing of the sort ever happened. When the important stuff like not calling people spastics/racist terms or other derogatory language is ignored. You will find small time racists hiding behind the "pc gone mad" argument at every golf club in the country*.

*Probably. I don't want to upset any golfists in our multicultural, inclusive community. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
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has the world gone mad, whats up with having manors or common sense
articles like this only breed contempt and misunderstanding
the problem today is too many people believe what the media print
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eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
make sure you don't gold the door open too long though otherwise you'll never get the chance to close it!! :D Seems whenever I hold a door open it seems like everyman woman,man and dog walks through!


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
I hold the door for people, but if they don't say thanks, I get right in their face.

It's like a passive-aggressive-courtesy-move.

Same if someone takes my money and doesn't thank me for spending it. Fxck those guys. I get right up in their faces too.

Oh, and those guys that see you opening a door for someone, and then jog a little, so that they get to the door while you're stuill holding it for the other people - what's up with those guys? And then sometimes there's even guys behind those guys, who also want to make you stand there like a fxcking butler while they squeeze their fat asses past you. I mean, when does it become OK to scream "FXCK YOU PAL - STOP TAKING THE PISS!!"? After the 3rd guy? The 4th? If a large group of people are leaving a restuarant as I leave, I am planning to hold the door so that their first guy can take over from me, and the hold the door for the rest of his group. I don't think it's cool when the whole table of 12 walks past, like I'm paid to stand there and hold their ******* door for them, and God help them if they make some kind of smart-ass comment - Im gonna lose it if that happens...


I have to admit that I'm one of those new-age type of guys.

When I let one of the girls who I keep locked in my dungeon up into the main part of the house to do a bit of cleaning, cooking and casual rimming, I tend to open the doors for them as they crawl around on all fours.

As I wrap them in carpet, I can tell by their eyes that my display of good manners really meant a lot to them in their final hours. Radical feminists can never take that away from me.