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What is 'Love' anyway?


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
Hi people, im not sure if this has been posted before but it just crossed my mind in my idle-pondering of the worlds structure and politics..NOT! :p

I am 17 so havn't really felt this 'LOVE' everyone seems to have. so don't flame me please...

What is love? is it some sort of made up feeling that is forced upon us because we see it as 'normal'? surely love would feel the same if for offspring (and i dont mean this a wrong way.......) as it would a soul-mate? due to the fact that hate feels the same no matter what, theres no Hate and Hate whereas there is love and love, or well we are led to believe that...

i find it hard to deal with the fact that there is someone out there for everyone as i've had a pretty hard time with girls... but let's not go there...

Anyway im just wanting your opinions on LOVE, does it really exist or is it pushed upon us that we think what we feel is love because we are told to believe it is love. or is it something else?

Please tell me.


Oct 25, 2006
When you have kids, you will know what love is for your kids, and what love is for you mrs....
One you love hearing when you walk through the door, and the pitter patter of their tiny feet, and the other you dont want to hear at all.

In all seriousness, you will know what it is when you do have kids, its very different to that of your partner, and its hard to describe, you would do ANYTHING for the kids, and i mean anything. Just wait until then.


Active Member
I'm 17 as well and i know what you mean, but i guess one thing that has to be considered is that there is actually more than one type of love and various meanings of the word. It is also often used completely out of context but i presume that's more to do with the human choice of when to use. For example 9/10 Joe Bloggs will say " i love burgers" but of course there is no real love it is just an appreciation and approval for the object in question.

Another love is that of friends i.e people you know, respect and care for, but do not love in the same way an average person in a loving family would love there relatives and wife,husband etc.

This brings me to the next type of love which is of your family and perhaps in uncommon cases, those people who you class as " a brother from another mother" type of thing :D
This i think would be your definition of love and the closest you can get to it, the type of love that you can almost feel in your heart, i'm sure i don't need to explain what i mean in the difference between the love of a family member and the love of an object. We all know which one we care a hell of a lot more about and feel we truly love.

However i think there could also be another love which exists. I am not personally religious but i believe you can also have a love for/of/in God. You could not really class God as a mate or relative, but those who do believe in the existence of God generally "love" him/her due to their beliefs etc. I hope you guys get what i mean :D

Anyways, that's my grey matter obliterated :D
Let me know what you think.



Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
Pablo i agree with your post 100%

But im talking about the proper smack you in the face gut renching love that so many people say they feel. maybe its all bull****? excuse my french...