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X-Ball SchmeX-Ball

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
As things stand it ain't gonna work anyway. Not that there's anything wrong with the idea or the game on the field when first class players are playing but beyond that--
Everybody seems to want to just dip a toe in case the "water" is too hot or too cold and that's a sure fire recipe for failure and it won't be X-Ball's fault.
Let's look at a couple of examples (and as isolated incidents I'm not suggesting a pattern but think they can still be instructive):
MGO--and X-Ball specifically. Plainly circumstances conspired with the horrendous weather and big time work was put in to keep things "afloat" (bad pun, I know) but,
What effort was made on behalf of X-Ball leading up to the event? What extras were introduced to elevate the X-Ball competition and display it in all the much ballyhooed glory it's supposed to have? And while we're at it, what is being done on behalf of X for LA in a couple of weeks? Isn't an LA exhibition of X-Ball the perfect location if you're working on gaining media attention and interest? If X is the future and if people have really sunk some serious green into it what is being done to assure the success of that investment?
[The way it looks to this outsider is that everyone on both sides of the pond are slightly enamored with the potential return on X but unwilling or unable to commit to it in a manner that gives it a real chance to succeed.]
NPPL S7--NPPL, inc. and Pure Promotions almost certainly "lost" money and perhaps quite a lot of it putting on this event. And if so, it is surely something they can't do for an unspecified period of time so what did they "purchase" with their cash? A foot in the door of outside sponsors and potential future revenues, lots of local media exposure, introduced pb to tens of thousands of new people, and the goodwill and faith of the bulk of the player base to name a few.
They have a plan. A plan to extend their reach, their revenues and the sport of pb in the process. And before they started they decided what needed doing if they were to have a chance to succeed and made the decision to take the risk and potentially flush a substantial amount of money down the drain. It was a gamble. It still is a gamble, but it won't fail for lack of committment in resources, time, effort and vision.

Now maybe the X-Ball gang are all over this, and I hope they are 'cause I believe in X, and I just haven't heard anything about it. My point isn't to suggest one is bad and the other is good. My point is most of time success doesn't fall into your lap and everyone involved in making the big events around the world possible at some point took risks, spent money, worked hard and hoped to build small successes into larger ones. But the more you have to lose the harder it becomes to keep taking risks. Yet every time the stakes on the return go up so does the ante. How many folks are out there with the vision and the willingness to reach for the next step up?

BTW, it's easy to have opinions (and I'm loaded with 'em) and the purpose of this post wasn't to slam anyone or praise anyone but maybe, just maybe put the bigger picture into a little clearer focus. All of us who play the game owe those who have helped bring it to this point our gratitude regardless of what comes next.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
If I didn't know

Originally posted by TJ Lambini
that Rancid posts from a hotwired ZX Spectrum that his daughter has to turn on and off for him, I'd swear he'd hacked into Cow's account and posted that...
Disagree with me, fine but flinging around such cruel insults is uncalled for.
'Member, I've reformed, Maestro? I'm kinder and gentler, well, except for that crack about those three guys sharing a brain . . .


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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Re: If I didn't know

Originally posted by Baca Loco
I'm kinder and gentler, well, except for that crack about those three guys sharing a brain . . .

The trigger length fiasco i presume...
Ahh, but that comment was well deserved I must say..


PSP's got 60 10-man teams now

plus the NXL, and there's still a good few hours left to run for latecomers, so it isn't exactly going to be a ghost town...

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
PSP's got 60 10-man teams now

Originally posted by duffistuta
plus the NXL, and there's still a good few hours left to run for latecomers, so it isn't exactly going to be a ghost town...
Yeah, but--
It isn't about how many teams show up to play other formats. Is the import of HB that 90+ teams played? No. It was the showcase and presentation. WC last October had 400+ teams--so what?
That ain't the way to make the NXL a success.


Mother, is that you?
The execution's a bit off on this particular day (from what I read), but that ain't the end of the road surely?

I guess the depressing thing is, the people responsible for promoting this event are the same people pitching the Tv companies?

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Hey Bacs, why the long face?

Originally posted by rancid
The execution's a bit off on this particular day (from what I read), but that ain't the end of the road surely?

I guess the depressing thing is, the people responsible for promoting this event are the same people pitching the Tv companies.
You start with a bang. Get the players (mostly) excited by the game. You get a handful of the top teams to play. The potential is apparent if not a given, and then what?
You continue to labor away in obscurity with no one but the players and the mags aware of what's going on? It's just plain stupid!
How do you get outsiders excited and interested? You put on a show and show them the potential! And if LA isn't that show the wheels are gonna start comin' off.
Not only that but but you half strangle the product you've already got by diluting your main offering of competition with the "best." It's practically suicidal--unless LA is unlike any event the PSP has ever been involved in before.
OK, so much for kinder and gentler.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by JtJ
Seems that everyone's an expert. Except those people who actually built their own companies in this sport.
So why are the Hurricanes playin' Div.2 X instead of 10-man?
And after LA come on back and give us a rousing report on the event's success. I hope you can and I hope I'm way outta line.