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pods on the field.

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
Possibly not 'agg' but.....

You could alway tie the pods to your pack with elastic

Just like mum used to do with your mittens and duffle coat ;)

Kevin Winter

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
May sound daft, but once or twice, I've got away with distractiong opponents with pods, chuck it out the left side, then snap out the right - people sometimes can't help but look to the movement!


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
I think there is maybe another point being missed, a non totoally empty pod is in the rules eyes a live object, sometimes (quite a bit for me with locklids and halo / reloader) not all the balls fit and ballence ontop of the crown or speedfeed, so you drop your pod and a few seconds later a simple moment drops a ball onto a technically live pod, or your pod is shot close to the edge of the bunker and you could be seen to be (technically) eliminated.

I have to confess i am a 'chucker' lol, i make sure i tip out any balls remaining then launch it as quick as possible and close to the netting as i can, the way i look at it is its deffo a dead pot and even if i miss the tipping part a ref is never gonna go pod hunting at the end of the game to make sure its empty and not been hit.

Maybe if i was in a snake i would 'skim' it to the netting instead of 'chucking' lol :D


Aug 19, 2003
I think the only way you can get out is if the pod is hit while still in your posession, or if a ref sees you throwing a pod away with a hit on it.
No there def was a rule years ago whereby any pods that had at least one paintball in it was deemed live and if it got shot, or you moved 10ft from it (or whatever the distance was) you were eliminated. Whether its a current rule or not, I dont know.

Hardly anyone enforced it though.


Team Apocalypse.
Jun 12, 2006
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Yeah, getting pissed for being pulled on that one would be pretty understandable. I once had a marshal that didn't know you could drop fluffys on the field and move away from them without being pulled, and just as I was about to go mugging, he told me if I didn't pick it up, I'd be out.

A short argument later I put my gun down, put fluffy in my pocket, and carried on play. He got a few "stray shots" in another round :p