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N. Korea's nuclear testing.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Nobody is taking the Korean mentality into account here. Similar in ways to the Allies fighting the Japanese in WWII, in that the Koreans would be the type of brainwashed enemy who WILL die to protect their country, and would rather die than lose.

Japanese mothers were known to jump off cliffs with their children, rather than face defeat, hence the reason the A-bombs were dropped. They couldn't be beaten by head to head fighting, they simply had to be completely crippled tactically.
Not completely accurate, those Japanese mothers jumped off the Okinawa cliffs because they were made to believe that if they fell into the hands of the Americans, they'd be raped, tortured and killed alongside their children. Not because they were defeated. That death before defeat mentality did exist in Japan, but not to the extend we are made to believe. Many Japanese were Buddhist for example.

As far as the US telling people not to have them, that's a bit of a joke. They have more than all other countries combined and are the only country to have ever used them. However, the UN said NK can't have them, so in that sense the US is allowed to wave its fists. Also, Obama has expressed a strong desire for nuclear disarming.

As far as NK doing the testing goes, it's just business. Most likely there is another famine, the country is now totally broke or something along those lines. Look at the last 50 years: Every time NK needs something, they do something that upsets the world and makes them look scary. The world then gives them money and aid and all is well again for a few years. Until Kim runs out of Oreos again and he does another test, demanding more cookies. That is all.

North Korea would never start a war. Not even against the south. They are the brokest country in the region and despite their parading and goose stepping, their military strength is laughable. And Kim knows that. If the Chinese hadn't intervened, NK wouldn't even exist anymore and back then the people were still full of revolutionary zeal. These days they know the grass is greener on the other side, they are just not allowed to say so in public. There is a very large underground movement in NK that the government doesn't want the world to know about.


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
Personally i would let them have them, if they misbehave mushroom them, simple answer really, saves all the arguments and all the grumpy house wives complaining that Emerdale has been cancelled or whatever, if they want them, have them but dont complain when they get a quick suntan :D


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
Nobody is taking the Korean mentality into account here. Similar in ways to the Allies fighting the Japanese in WWII, in that the Koreans would be the type of brainwashed enemy who WILL die to protect their country, and would rather die than lose.

Japanese mothers were known to jump off cliffs with their children, rather than face defeat, hence the reason the A-bombs were dropped. They couldn't be beaten by head to head fighting, they simply had to be completely crippled tactically.
Spot on.

These people have an immortal leader. At the same time you can only watch the government channels that brain wash you. They would happily use tactics we used in WW1 with their infantry.

They have enough SAMs to prevent air supremacy and enough land mines to prevent an invasion from SK and yes they geezer in charge would happily shoot a nuke into SK.

The balancing power is the Chinese and the amount of trade they do with NK


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Even if they had a big enough delivery system, it's unlikely they'd launch it into South Korea. It's a proliferation issue, and nuclear weapons expertise would be one of the only export industries the North Koreans have. Regardless of any international sanctions, plenty of groups and states would happily pay for this type of expertise and materials. Obviously being able to actually detonate one is a pretty good advert for your expertise.


Dec 5, 2002
Visit site
Even if they had a big enough delivery system, it's unlikely they'd launch it into South Korea. It's a proliferation issue, and nuclear weapons expertise would be one of the only export industries the North Koreans have. Regardless of any international sanctions, plenty of groups and states would happily pay for this type of expertise and materials. Obviously being able to actually detonate one is a pretty good advert for your expertise.
Why launch when you can smuggle.
It's likely now that NK has nukes, everyone with a wallet will aswell.

Don't know if it has been mentioned allready, but mother Russia mobilized troops incase of things turning sour due to the testing.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Why launch when you can smuggle.
It's likely now that NK has nukes, everyone with a wallet will aswell.
Smuggle? where? and even if you could, it would be errrr a bit conspicuous. Anything they have in their inventory would be large.

As for everyone else, I actually doubt anyone has anything reliable, usable or effective (bar the obvious). It's a myth that on the breakup of the U.S.S.R. nukes were walking off missile bases and being sold from the boot of Trabants.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Not true man ,I saw an episode of Comrade Cook when he proved they were shipping Uranium 233 across the Iraqi border disguised as a set of Gorby dolls.


Dec 5, 2002
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Considering the huge coastline that NK has at their disposal, ducttaping something on a fishingboat wouldn't be too hard.
The UK and Norway have hidden things in fishingboats over the years, surely the Koreans can aswell.

NK stated recently that if any of their boats were stopped and controlled (SK and the US is in the Proliferation Security Initiative) they would declare war, that's reason enough to think they're hiding something.

Cam Mc

Yes, quite...
Dec 10, 2008
North West
It is just like the cold war.

We all have nukes, we just don't want to use them.

In the cold war, Russia tried to put nukes on Cuba JFK put a non threatening wall of ships around Cuba, Khrushchev knew that if he rammed through the blockade JFK would nuke Russia, and then Khrushchev would nuke America.

The reason nukes will never be used it because every country knows that it will end in a stalemate, Iran nukes use, America nukes Iran, no-one could ever possibly win, and too many people would die.

Also, after the war, every country would ''gang up'' on the losing country, and make them pay reparations to all allied countries (or the countries that ''won'') just like Germany after WW1 Treaty of Versailles ringing any bells?

Quite a long example for a very short answer which is, there will not ever be a nuclear war.

I need to write that sort of thing for my History GCSE next week, just..longer:(