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Playing the snyper


Lord of the Ringtones
Uhm, wrong. A person is a moving target, and paint moves only at 300 fps or less, which gives sufficient time to move out of the way. Paint can bounce, in which event a hit you do make doesn't count. It also doesn't fly perfectly straight, so you often need to make further shots to compensate for curving, dipping, wind drift, etc. Retreating, by the way, gets you shot in the back.


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by KillerOnion
Uhm, wrong. A person is a moving target, and paint moves only at 300 fps or less, which gives sufficient time to move out of the way.
Retreating, by the way, gets you shot in the back.
I'll agree on teh retreating part, actually.

It's the top bit, if you can get your shot off unseen, or while the other guy is unaware of the shot taking place, you have a free chance. One you know your gear, even RENTAL GEAR, you can guestimate range, accuracy, and so on. Last year I was making 1 shot bingos all the time, by amining, ranging, and putting one ball where I knew it needed to be. Tanks, goggles, masks... all these shots were made while the player in question wasn't looking at me.



Lord of the Ringtones
Originally posted by TheBlackWolf
You take one shot, you make one kill, then retreat. It only takes one to get the job done. (Unless you are a crappy shot)
Crappy shot? Assume you're perfect, don't get the shakes, don't slip, get tired, etc. etc. etc. Perfect paint, no dimples, 100% homgenous fill distribution, surface coefficient of friction of zero. Barrel with straightness tolerance of +/- .00000001 inch. Your velocity hits exactly +/- 0 (makes for up or down from point of aim) from the 288 or whatever you set it at. No gusts of wind that you haven't already sensed. You don't cough, have the hiccups, sneeze, twitch, itch, etc. The person doesn't move AT ALL, NOT EVEN TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY OR TIE THEIR SHOE OR SWAT A FLY. They, by the way, are apparently perfectly content to be where they are for the moment being. Oh, by the way, you're paying perfect attention to the rest of the people on their team and yours, aren't you.

Assuming as much is asinine. If you're expecting this to happen consistently you're uninformed or deluded. This is paintball, not neurosurgery, nor Camp Perry 1000 yard rifle national match. If you're playing at such a level where people are apparently that easy to toy with and take out, get serious and play actual games. Don't consult Vietnam novels as paintball manuals, as such will make you sound quite dim.


New Member
I'm not assuming this it is just you are breaking everything down into the smallest little detailed bit with everything that could possibly go wrong with a shot. I'm sure more than half of you won't think about all of this when playing.

P.S. Asinine?


Lord of the Ringtones
The fine details about equipment consistency and precision you think about before you go on the field, like when you're buying, fitting, and maintaining it. Notions of variability you don't think about like a checklist every time you shoot, but you acknowledge that they happen and thus don't totally rely and focus on shooting single shots and counting on that to do the job for you. Yeah, if the first shot hits you don't have to worrry about the rest, but analysis as I just did shows in plain light that in play they're an occasional occurance, hardly at all a prevalent phenomenon and certainly not a predictable part of play to hinge on. The bits about you as the shooter and the other person as a target you think about in practice and on the field, a lot of the time subconsciously.

Not half of us? All of the better of us. Probably not out loud or enumerated in one place, but generally that stuff is elementary to the people here.


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by chico
Where can u get a sclencier
They're illegal in the USA. besides, they don't work. I owned one back in the 90's when they were 'legal'. They don't silence the sound, they do change your sound signature, but it's not silent.

What they don't tell you about real silencers is that they don't work unless yo use subsonic rounds too...
