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Playing the snyper




I feel that I have to congratulate everyone, a newbie posts a tread about sniping ( complete with spelling mistakes) and nobody rips into him. Instead Tyger gives us some usful advice that I'm definatly going to give a try at the North VSouth, and the words "Stupid" and "twat" don't pop up at all.... opps.

Jones the Paint Magnet

All the gear - no idea
Dec 19, 2001
Croydon/East Grinstead
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I seem to remember silencers being a bit of a pain to clean. Someone (years ago) got round behind me as I circled a base, looking for a way to mug the defenders, and (lucky for me) broke a ball with his first shot. Although it was quiet, he was still close enough for me to hear the shot, and then subsequent attempts produced sickly "bloop" noises that vomited more paint soup out of the barrel.

All very amusing, and presented me with a defenceless target. I did the noble thing and asked for a surrender . . . :D

My understanding of silencers is that most reduce the velocity of the shot - not something you would ideally want with paintball markers, I'd imagine.


Lord of the Ringtones
Cerberus, ordinarily I'm one of the first to do that, actually, but for some reason I decided to refrain from doing so immediately, rather trying to lead them towards the right frame of though and conclude for themselves that "sniping" is a fallacy and that such ignorant line of thinking should be immediately dropped, that silent and accurate shots can be had but not as singles in the manner they were invisioning, and that the game should wholly be viewed from the modern, realistic view rather than the ignorant, think-they-know-it-all-but-haven't-seen-anything frame. In short, I decided to go about first teaching them the right instead of focusing on pointing out the wrongness first.


New Member
Oh god, I need to find sth else to do....

Killer onion I guess you're right...
But don't focus only on how to get better way of thought.
There are some guys there who just like to go out and "kill"(WRONG WORD) with one shot. If that's the way they enjoy playin'let'em play-and even believe that this is the best way to play.
Oh and btw even if I totally disagree with this kind of playin'I'm sure that most of those guys would be much more accurate than me-but is'nt it unfair for you guys to end up shot by "accuracy by volume" guys???
Sorry for my English-I'm from Greece and it's 4:32 in the morning...


Lord of the Ringtones
There is a difference between what is thought to be accuracy by volume and those that shoot in 2-4 round strings that are self correcting, an aimed attempt towards accurately capturing the opportunity rather than sloppy guesswork in hope that some random hit would result. I think of it as affirming a solid aim rather than lack of one. One shot often just comes up short of what 2 or 3 done quickly, in the same 1/3 to 1/4 of a second that one would take place. Certainly each shot is important, but only as being part of the functional whole, much like how peanuts are eaten by the handful.


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Jan 18, 2002
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I disagree with those that say that sniping can't be done with paintball. No, you can't snipe like some special forces stud in the movies. It takes a different mindset. For me it is just setting myself up to catch them at an inopportune time (e.g. while occupied with someone else, in the open, in a bunker with their back to me, etc.), while giving myself as many options as possible once I give away my position(e.g. lots of cover to move through, alternative bunkers to fall back into, a dry streambed to retreat through, etc.). I try hard not to get caught between two players on the other team. I also figure that once I start shooting they are going to know where I'm at (I am not a great shot and I don't have an expensive marker), so I use as much paint as is necessicary to get the job done then I move and circle, if possible, to set up the next shot. So maby it isn't "real" sniping, but it is fun.

To me the funnest part it catching someone in a bad position and not expecting it. Even if I don't tag them out the funniest thing in the game is watching someone freak out and pee their pants when you open up on them and they are in a bad position. So who whats to take them out in one shot? It is mutch funner to see them scramble for cover before they are tagged out.:D :


New Member

Now I agree with that too,Killer onion. But I also believe that the best aim is to be able to hit just with one shot. I'm sayin'being able to hit=practisin'this way ,settin'your mind to do it so you won't have to correct the next shots much,e.g. When you snap shoot ,imagine 3-4 paintballs with no correction...Although it is really difficult ,it's not impossible,especially in small distances(for fronts).
Respect (You overanalyzin'freak!:D Just kiddin')


New Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I used to play sniper alot. All I think you need to do is to guard the flag station or rush as fast as you can to a hiding spot on the opposition's side without anyone seeing you.
Usually when I guard the flag station I find the deepest cover closest to the trail or open area. I had a couple of people walk almost on top of me even though I equip myself with basic woodland camoflauge.
As for shooting I just focus on eliminating the guy before he can tell his teamates where I am at. That means you DO fire 3 shots or more at the guy to make sure he's OUT. After he calls out, look around you 360 degrees. If you have good cover, you will have other targets homing in on the location. There also might be other guys with him flanking or bunkering you. If you can elminate the whole fire team, which is usually 2-4 guys, move to a different location. Don't move until you have scrutinized the area for more hostiles looking for you.

One day we were playing a woods game and my entire team got wiped out. I went into some moderate cover and 3 people literally SURROUNDED me on all sides. But guess what? They didn't know where I was....10 feet away from them. I went ballistic and strafed and ducked and fired like crazy. I went from sniper to assault. I was so crazy I had my barrel in the last guy out's gut asking him if he was out. While I was fighting I would see one of the guy duck at the paintballs I was unloading on him so I reloaded right in front of him. When he reacted to the paint, I just strafed to a different angle. He didn't see me because I was firing with thick grass between us. As I got him out the other 2 guys locked me down, so I did what they didn't think I was going to do, I just rushed right on top of them. The last guy was easy because he wasn't with the group. He had $1500 autococker, while I only had a bruizer pro. Ok that was 4 people :p.

In the end my jaw was shaking left and right uncontrollably, but I won. We checked to see if there was any paint marked on me, but there wasn't any. In the entire ordeal paintballs were grazing me all over the place but not on me. It might of helped that I prayed before I fired my first shot.

I don't really play sniper as diehard as I used to now, because I am trying to get into tournament paintball. I never really do get as intense as that one firefight anymore. Right now I have a stock 2000 autococker with 18inch boomstick barrel (just in case;) ). Just going to upgrade all shocktech.:D