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Sean Diamond

Extreme Rage Man !!!
Apr 9, 2002
A tactic i use sometimes, along with my peaking tactic i mensioned earlier, makes newbies fire off so many shots and waste bucket loads of ammo without achieving anything. A bit of verbal encouragement does work, usually something along the lines of "if you fell out a boat you couldn't hit water" or "i'm over here" will do the trick nicely. A marginal splatter across the face may ensue but when head shots don't count, who cares!;)


Lord of the Ringtones
Taunt them while you're shooting at them and while your teammate is creeping up on them so they don't pay as much attention to them. Be cruel, annoying, insulting, and when the opportunity allows it be creative. The more you can distract the other team the better, not to mention it gives refs some entertainment, and when I ref I want entertainment so I try to extend that courtesy to the refs out there that are working hard so I can play. It makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and plus it's been proven that laughing is healthy, so I actually improve their health! Plus it makes them more willing to yank opponents I shoot off the field faster, since they appreciate the show.


Lord of the Ringtones
Hey, you're catching on. That's a pretty good one to use, just make sure that you don't draw a "Hey, watch your language!" from the refs. Depends on the refs, though. Around 70% of the time that should go through with little issue. "Hey, your wife was better than that last night, and she didn't cost as much money to get off!" works VERY well. Generally egging them on to shoot at you works well, such as "Hey, that's $5 worth of paint you shot at me...you told me when I asked ya for 2 for a hot dog you were broke. LIAR!" or "Hey, ya know there's a law against loitering, and an additional fine for public nuisance for wasting that much money on a gun you can't shoot worth a gorilla's ding dong!


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

well heres a good one i use not just in paintball but in every thing else. ready you yell "your mommy loves you!" at the top of your lungs.... makes them burst out in laughter. yes it works i do it all the time say for instance when im behind a bunker and my friend was about to shoot me, i yelled you mommy loves you and he burst out in laughter and tears and had to hide behind his bunker cause he was laughing so hard. i would have advanced but i also was busting tears with laughter. try it with paintball and other things, if you get it right youll be laughing to hard with enjoyment as you see your friend or whoever goofing up. not sure if this qualifies as a taunt but i know it makes for more happy refs as killeronion says.:)


New Member
Wow! Killer Onion ,seems to me you've studied that matter...
I just have to bow to your scientific techniques-but hey I'm from Greece and my English sucks...So if we play together and you try spellin'all that stuff,I guess none would understand ****.Or would we try to understand and get confused???
:confused: Now I'm confusedddd..........

Sean Diamond

Extreme Rage Man !!!
Apr 9, 2002
Hey that is really funny SYTRAXZ, when i read: "your mommy loves you!" i just laughed, that ones gotta be good in a game. I'll try that next time i play. And killer onion you do some good ones as well...


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York
im serious

Originally posted by Sean Diamond
Hey that is really funny SYTRAXZ, when i read: "your mommy loves you!" i just laughed, that ones gotta be good in a game. I'll try that next time i play. And killer onion you do some good ones as well...
im telling you most of the time it works, when ever my friends are about to something important i yell "your mommy loves you!" in a weird high pitched voice.They stop what there doing and laugh till they almost hit the floor about 3 minutes later there back up, but i just wisper it and nock em back to the ground:D good luck with it in paintball but for your sake maby u shouldnt use it incase it doesnt work and u make a fool out of yourself?eh do what ya like:)


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

Originally posted by KillerOnion
Oh, and I forgot to add "If I wanted it this easy I would have gone to your sister!" and "Hey! Are you asleep out there! Wake up and try not to suck now that you've had a nap!" and of course the classic "How's your wife and my kids doing?"
lol that maby be your classic but min is still your mommy loves ya.