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Lord of the Ringtones
Yeah I got the email, cheers sweetz! :) Pent up aggression? Nah, just a sense of humor that can grate tiles off the space shuttle. Oh sure, there's more than enough of the world's @$$h0les that I would like to see smoke a cigarette next to a fireworks factory or fall into a pit of pissed off scorpions during their breeding season, but it doesn't get to me as much as perhaps once it used to.


Old School, New Tricks
You know what the best taunt is? It's a long term taunt, but it's effective. Between games don't say a WORD to ANYONE. Just do your pod fills, get your tank topped off, whatever you do. Let everyone else fawn over each other's guns. "Oh, wow, is that an 18 inch freak?" "Cool splash job!" Whatever works.

Then go out to the chrony range, rap off a bunch of shots, and say VERY LOUD "So do you people want to compare the size of your (word I can't use, but it rhymes with "Rocks" and is what you call a group of male chickens...) or do you wanna play paintball?"

Sets the mood, dosn't it?



Lord of the Ringtones
Tyger, Tyger, Tyger...will you ever get off the stupid Freud kick? It might occur to you that not even a tiny tiny fraction of people think like you think they do. Penile replacement? No, dolt, people actually buy nicer paintguns than you do because they actually put a bit of themselves into their game, usually have the stones to go out and shoot at tougher people than you get up the courage and finance to play against, express that they put time and care into it, and they like having something they care about, much like a kid or pet or cool car in the garage. So get off the pseudo psyschology junk science put together by a dorky mama's boy coke snorting Austrian reject from the chess club that sat around listening to lead and mercury poisoned (causes dementia) Victorian housewives that weren't gettting enough in bed. Buying stuff to impress people? Yeah, occasionally that's a factor. Why? Because they can. Want that not to happen around you? Move to Cuba where they can't. Meanwhile leave the sniveling in the kindergarden playground where someone threw sand in your ice cream.

Sean Diamond

Extreme Rage Man !!!
Apr 9, 2002
My intial post has gone a long way. And if it continues may be the cause of World War 3, hey but what the hell, its damn good comedy.

The award for the funniest taunting so far goes to...

Killer Onion


**** Name!!!
Apr 29, 2002
Leicester, England
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heres a lil taunt that gets em worked up:
"hey, u know that thing u have in ur hands! try using it 2 shoot at me, thats wat its there for mate!(and try to blow a kiss!)"
i find that works a treat unless they run round ur bunker and plaster u in lovely yellow paint!


team driven black
Apr 23, 2002
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My perfered favorite which can make some players very angery involves my 14 inche barrel and all the different places i put it in there mother last night (didnt give a specific one because theres so many :D)


New Member
May 5, 2002
New Orleans, Louisiana
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i find that if u just sit around with a real mean face b4 the game actin like a hardass then in the game the people are a little more jumpy when they fight u b/c they dont know what they're goin up against. all those idiots who sit around pregame showin' off their gun are really showing the enemy what they are up against, and the other people can figure out a weakness to their gun and defeat them.